Know More About Positive Material Identification

There are so many ways to assess properties and composition of a material without causing damage. Collectively, such procedures are classified as nondestructive testing or NDT. Nondestructive testing methods are important because they do not change the material being tested. NDT procedures are liquid penetrant, radiographic, ultrasonic, and magnetic-particle testing. NDT is usually an important aspect of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, forensic engineering, and arts.

Positive material identification is an NDT process that involves determining of metal alloys present in a material. It is one of the various nondestructive methods employed in determining metal composition of a material. PMI is a reliable method because it can be done in controlled laboratory setting or on the site. Identification of metallic elements in materials is important for various industrial, engineering, and chemical purposes. Because there are more than eighty metals known in chemistry, appropriate identification is a must. There is a wide range of application within which material assessment is of crucial importance. Manufacturing industries see composition analysis of a material as an essential process. As it is essential in the technical aspects of manufacturing and production, so its relevance in key processes cannot be undermined. Indeed, many industrial activities cannot proceed without apt material testing. PMI is not something that can be postponed or skipped. Material evaluation is vital and that's why it is part of the standard procedure.

Anyway, not all businesses and industries need PMI as a process. People who deal with many types of metals and utilize them in making alloys or those people who deal with alloys find material identification as an important process in manufacturing. Industries that depend on PMI testing are aerospace manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and electric power industry. PMI is a reliable method when the material that needs to be tested cannot be altered, dented, or scratched. It is also relied upon when the material is part of a bigger equipment or mass. When the material for testing is enormous, transporting it to a lab testing facility may be extremely cumbersome. There are also materials that cannot be cut for examination purposes. Cutting or scraping materials cause a change in mass or may even alter the aesthetic value of the material. Another instance when cutting a material for testing is inapplicable is when it is too expensive or rare. Also, PMI will be of much use when the subject for testing is hazardous.

Precision is important in any kind of testing and PMI inspectors should be able to carry out tests on materials that would yield accurate results even if no amount of material is extracted. This is because many subsequent processes will rely on the test. Inaccurate results will greatly affect inspection, manufacturing, and production. Engineers doing tests should therefore be qualified professionals. They should have enough knowledge in operating testing equipment and interpreting results.

PMI is one of the most effective means in material recognition and is one of the most trusted methods of identifying metals on the site. It is used in a variety of applications that involve identification of metallic elements, particularly for nondestructive analysis. Inspection of ferrous and non-ferrous metals may require this process and this has something to do with quality control, manufacturing, and engineering.

Today, metal analysis involves the use of sophisticated technology such as X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). XRF is unlike mass spectrograph, which is a process relying on wavelengths emitted by a sample of test object. An XRF equipment detects the metal elements present in a material by collecting and analyzing X-Ray emission data. The portable testing device is used to fire X-Ray radiation to the object. Each type of metal or element will emit characteristic X-Rays. Hence, the elements present in a sample can be determined by analyzing the X-rays emitted.

Understanding the Different Roofing Materials

The choice for your roofing material is very crucial to the beauty, durability, and overall appearance of your property. Therefore, whether you are building a new house or doing a home renovation, you need to understand the different roofing materials available in the market.

The roof protects your from the environment. It protects you from the wind, snow, and rain. It also serves as an insulator of the structure. This can have a significant effect on your heating bills. This is just one of the things you need to consider with the choice of material for your roof.

The Location and the Choice of Roofing Materials

In the market, there are many types of materials available. But the type of material you choose may depend on your requirements, taste, and budget. You also need to consider where your property is located. The location will determine the best roofing material you will use.

Try to take a look at your neighborhood. If you are quite familiar with your locality, then you are most likely aware of the roofing material used in the houses nearby. This is a great starting point in searching the right type of roofing material to use.

If you do not have any clue on what is the best material to use that will best suit your location, ask for the advices of the experts. It is really worth your time to speak to professional roofers in your area. They are most likely knowledgeable of the best material for the climate you have.

The Implication to Insurance

Another consideration with the choice of the material for your roof is the implication to your insurance. If you have a thatched roof, expect to pay higher costs in insurance than when you choose a tile roof.

Doing the Job Yourself or Hiring a Professional?

Based on the choice of the roofing material, you can decide whether to do the job on your own or to hire a roofing professional. The success with your project depends on the quality of the material and the expertise of the people to install it. Even if you have the most expensive roofing materials in the world, installing it sloppily will only waste your time and money.

Is there someone in the area that can properly fit the material to your house? This is something you need to take into account before choosing the material to use for your roof.


To end this article, understanding the roofing material is very important. It is one of the basic decisions you need to do correctly because this will dramatically affect your budget, your time, and your overall success later.

Construction Materials

Building a house will never happen without the right materials for construction. Despite having a grandiose design, it will never transpire without the proper materials that you can use so that you can bring out that design from the papers to the real thing. Most people who want to build a house of their own only rely on contractors when it comes to buying the right materials for construction, but if you want to be hands on when it comes to the construction of your house then you can actually be the one to look and purchase the materials that would suit the construction needs of your house.

The construction materials that you need would first be based on the design that you have. Everything starts with the kind of house that you want to build. It's not enough that you know the materials that can be used for construction. The problem in just simply buying materials without putting the design in mind is that unnecessary purchases can be made which will just put your spare construction essentials to waste. To avoid unnecessary expenses on the materials which you can't use, it would be best to know what you need and what you don't need based on the design plan for the house. If you happen to design a brick house, then invest more on cement and bricks. As another example, if your design plan gives you a house that is oriental in nature, then you might want to invest on wood that you find appealing for your house. Aside from these, you should also buy the right amount of the essential materials for construction like nails and other necessary equipment that you can use for your construction.

Another important that you should consider when buying materials for your construction would be your budget. Again, your budget must also be based on the design that you have, or both can be adjusted in one way or another. If you have a great design but your budget is limited, then you can make adjustments on the materials and the equipment that you can use for your construction. You might want to look for materials that look like the one that you need but are cheaper than the original ones. You might want to consider buying the basic and simple versions of the expensive construction materials. You don't have to worry much about it because there are so many materials in the market that you can choose to have depending on the budget that you have. There are some materials that are more expensive than the others because these are known brands, but there are also some that are cheaper but can still guarantee quality. Thus, you just have to be wiser and more inquisitive in terms of looking for materials if you have a tight budget.

If you're looking for construction materials, you can always go to your nearest home depot or do-it-yourself shops. The best thing about these stores is that they can assist you in choosing the best materials for your needs.

Know If a Material Is According To Its Standard Using Positive Material Identification

Positive material identification or PMI is a nondestructive test method that is used to examine alloys and other materials to determine the presence of impurity. This is done in order to find out if the material is authentic based on the grade name it bears and to find out whether an alloy possesses unneeded elements. It is a process that shall serve as a gauge whether to accept or reject a material. There is no way that this process will be used to adjust the quality of the material to make it suitable for usage.

Engineers generally push the borderline of the capacity of any material to limits that make it efficient for the purpose and design. Hardly ever does a material come pure as it is typically alloyed or mixed with other elements to make it sturdier and more durable. However, several issues arise and we should take into account that with modification of composition comes the change in material specification. The durability of a material shall be determined by the proportions of the elements present in it. The wrong ratio can render the material futile. To complicate matters, the presence of impurities can limit the usefulness of a material. There is no other way for engineers to find out if a material is going to be suitable for particular purpose than doing methodical tests and it is just one of those standard tests employed to verify aptness of a material.

Positive material identification determines the alloy composition and grade of a material whether it comes with a certificate or not. The objective is to find out whether the grade as mentioned on the label is truthful. The process is generally used for premium metals like precious alloys and stainless steel. Because it is a non destructive test (like dye penetrant inspection or radiography), it is an excellent method of examination without altering the material physically or chemically.

There are usually two ways to carry out positive material inspection and these are x-ray fluorescence and spark emission spectrography. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is usually more reliable than spark emission spectrography because it leaves no traces on the surface of the material being tested. The x-ray flourescence equipment consists of radioactive sources that emit low voltage x-rays. As the theory speaks, atoms of materials exposed to x-rays become excited and emit energy. The energy emitted by an excited atom is unique. As a result, this method is an effective way of identifying what elements are present in a material. X-ray flourescence does not only detect what elements are present but also determines how much of each element is present.

Much of positive material identification test is done with the use of x-ray flourescence, which is suitable when the integrity of the material being tested should be preserved. Some material analysis require taking a piece of the test subject for laboratory analysis but this is not applicable in many instances. Positive material identification is just one of the many nondestructive testing methods, like acoustic emission, leak detection, and hydrotesting.